My Weekend Poetry

My weekend paragraph

My name is Ava Pribanic, and this weekend was nothing out of the ordinary. I spent most of each night wide awake, reading or scrolling through the many social medias in existence. I woke up late in the mornings, spending the rest of my day completing unfinished homework and eating the last of the food in the house. (Mom will have to go grocery shopping.) Netflix was constantly in front of me and for hours I would be lost in the imaginary world I watched so closely. I did leave the house, however, spending a few hours downtown Saturday to watch the women’s soccer game. The rest of my team was there as well, and after the successful match for Canada, I hopped in the car and drove back to my home, where I could continue being lazy.

My weekend poem

A busy bee is a bee who is speedy with their tasks,
But what do you call a bee who is not exactly fast?
A bee who likes to sit around with nobody there,
A bee who unlike everyone doesn’t really care.
This bee, who I can relate, takes every chance they get
To lay around all day without working up a sweat.
This bee who is the opposite of busy, a lazy one at that
Would rather stay at home, as sleepy as a cat.
We might all have some lazy bee buried deep inside
And a weekend is the perfect chance for it not have to hide.
We kick up our feet and enjoy doing a lot of nothing, Something,
A whole bunch of this and that
A busy bee, who, for once has nothing to work at.