Biomes of the world


During this assignment what I thought worked well was communication. I found it very important to be able to communicate deadlines, expectations and other criteria for our project. We really needed to work together to produce something we were proud of. If one person didn’t follow instructions or come through in time it would have the whole group stranded. That’s why we needed to focus and not get sidetracked to be able to know our responsibilities and jobs.
In top of this I think the equal workloads made the project easier. We all knew what we had to get done. It was simple and straight forward to do our own task, which was better in my opinion than scrambling to complete multiple aspects of the assignment.
What I thought didn’t work well or something we could’ve worked on was class time use. I believe we communicated well what we had to get done and when it needed to be done by, but I think we could’ve gotten even more done with higher quality if we had not wasted any class time. Sometimes I felt like we weren’t making the most of our time. Focusing can be tricky, especially during group projects. I think we should’ve had better time management so that we didn’t have to stress or rush as much.
Overall, this project was not only fun, but helped to build leadership, teamwork and responsibility skills, but it was also fun to be able to come together with fellow classmates to produce something we were proud of.

Polydactyly – the making

Some questions I used to start my research were:
• What is Polydactyly?
• What are causes Polydactyly?
• What is chromosome 7’s responsibility?
• How does chromosome 7 cause Polydactyly?
• What types of Polydactyly exist?
• Which gene does Polydactyly affect?
• What is a mutation?
• What types of mutations exist?
• What is a duplication?
• What is the different between postaxial and preaxial Polydactyly?
• What is the different between postaxial type A and type B Polydactyly?
• What is an isolated anomaly?

My process for this assignment was fairly simple. I researched and took notes, making sure to jot down anything that related to my topic. I next read through everything and separated the important information that I thought would help my audience to furthur understand my content from the unimportant facts. I then started to put the information in paragraph form, adding detail and other facts I had remembered reading to tie in the words with fluidity. Finally, I concluded my story and corrected, read over and reviewed my work.

Citations :

When I was researching I tried to use reliable sources. Government websites are always good for me and I can count on them for good facts. I tried not to use websites that were very complex because I wanted to be able to understand what I was reading so that I could incorporate it into my story with my own words. The endings of the sites usually give me the biggest clue as to wether they are useful or not. If it is .com or .ca I usually steer clear just because you can never be too sure with those websites.

I think this assignment was very beneficial to me. I was born with preaxial Polydactyly and doing the research for this project has allowed me to understand my mutation much furthur. I learned that my mutation is not necessarily rare and there are many other people in the world who are born with extra digits. I learned how I could have developed the mutation and now that I understand why I was born this way I feel much better.
I understand mutations and genes much better and now that I have taken the time to research for this project I will feel more at ease during class.

I think my biggest challenge was understanding what I was saying. I had to research everything to make sure I understoood it. That way I would know that my information was correct, made sense and I could put it into my own words.
I think this project took more time than I suspected and I think I could have started may research sooner to have reached better outcomes.


Hello, I am GLI3.
A gene located on chromosome 7, which contains up to 1,000 other genes responsible for cell division, cell growth and the production of protein with cells.
I have been affected with, in this case, an inherited mutation called Polydactyly, a duplication that causes it’s host to have extra fingers or toes.

Polydactyly is an abnormality characterized by extra fingers or toes. The condition may be present as part of a collection of abnormalities, or it may exist by itself. When polydactyly exhibits by itself, it is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.

Polydactyly is an abnormality characterized by extra fingers or toes. The condition may be present as part of a collection of abnormalities, or it may exist by itself. When polydactyly exhibits by itself, it is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.

A mutation is a change in DNA sequence and when you change DNA that can change you. There are many types of mutations, such as, deletion, insertion or duplications. A duplication is when new genetic material is generated during molecular evolution.

I have a hereditary mutation, past on from from a parent and present during all of my host’s life. My mutation is also known as a germline mutation because it is present in the egg or sperm cells. The DNA from both of Sara’s parents came together and since the DNA contained the mutation, Sara received it as well.

The mother of my host, Sara, has Polydactyly as well. Because I am an autosomal dominant gene, it means Sara only had to have one parent with the mutation to have a 50% chance of me being passed down to her, which is why she now walks around with an extra pinky finger on her right hand. Her child will also automatically have a 50% of receiving the gene as well.

I was affected to cause her to be be born with supernumeral digits.
The postaxial type B Polydactyly that was passed down to her caused me to affect the way her hands were formed, and help in the creation of extra digits on the ulnar side of Sara’s hand. The pinky finger.

You may wonder why she didn’t keep the second little finger she was born with.
The post-axial Polydactyly that has affected her is type B, which means that the extra finger forms as a rudimentary digit attached to the small finger.
Sara’s extra digit formed as nothing more than just a floppy skin tag, easy for doctors to remove. The duplication would have served no use and would have only affected her negatively. This is why her parents made the simple decision of a surgical removal.

Sara’s Polydactyly does not cause her any pain or affect her physically in any way other way. Since the extra digit was removed, there is nothing more than a scar and some difficulty with the use of the original pinky finger to prove it’s existence.
The consequences Sara experienced have been mainly been social.
Felling like she doesn’t fit in, being judged and other possible things that make making connections and friendships difficult for Sara are the hardest things she’s had to learn to deal with. Keeping the mutation secret has been the easiest way for her to pretend it never happened, only telling her closest friends and family members. A fake story to cover up the well-sized scar on her hand has made the experience seemingly disappear.

Although she doesn’t remember the extra digit herself, stories from her parents have made it clear to her that the removal decisions was what was best for her. Sara is completely unaware of any level of discomfort or difficulty of use she ever had with her right hand.
The Polydactyly she was faced with hasn’t bud into her life at all, since the mutation I carry didn’t come along with any syndromes.

Sara was lucky and the Polydactyly in the gene that was passed down to her was an isolated anomaly. An isolated anomaly is when the mutation is only a single anomaly, instead of having many that result in a syndrome.

Even though Sara has had to overcome social difficulties, her recovery from the surgery was easy and didn’t provide her with any physical challenges. Polydactyly can be more harmful to the host, but in Sara’s case, she was lucky the gene she received from her mother was easy enough to deal with and will never hold her back in life.

Science App

Our task is to find a useful app that will help us with chemistry. We have to write about our app to help others and ourselves with the work being assigned in class.


The app that I found very useful was Khan Academy. I hoped to find something with multiple lessons on chemistry to further my understanding and after testing and exploring many apps, I decided that I like this one the best.

  • Will it help me with chemistry homework?
  • Will others be able to use it as well?
  • Is it easy to understand?
  • Has anyone ever used or heard of this app before?
  • Is this an app that will test my knowledge?

These are just some of the many questions I wanted answered, and after much time spent testing the app I can safely say I got a clear answer for all of them. Khan Academy has many different uses, including science lessons. I have seen many of their videos for math and I know it is a reliable, useful source. I also found many helpful videos that I could watch to further my understanding on chemical bonds, the periodic table and all of chemistry in general. I’m sure anybody would be able to find the videos on YouTube as well, which is great because not everybody might be able to access the app. I do find it simpler to function with the app, especially being able to have all the videos at my fingertips.
The videos that I watched were very detailed and descriptive. I could easily understand the imformation and I even recognized many of the same topics as the ones being taught in class. What I also noticed was many of them were not, and some of the imformation I needed for my homework was not included in any of the videos. Some crucial information was missing, but there was also a lot of good information as well.
For each of the topics, there was a comprehension test to see how well you understood the information. I found the tests fairly diffficult which was good, because i’m sure you’ve never received a test at school that was easy! Other than the quizzes, there were no games or any other forms of comprehension check. The quizzes were difficult, but maybe even too hard and not all of the things we were doing in class at the moment were included in the tests.

Overall, I found the app useful and helpful, especially since I can use it for multiple of my subjects. I would recommend this to anyone struggling with basic chemistry skills and a need to brush up on some knowledge, since not all of the subjets we need might be covered, but the key points are definitely there.

For me, this experience was very cool, because I can incorporate the skills this taught me often in school. If I need homework help, I won’t have to think twice about how to solve the problem. I think I really benefitted from taking the time to resolve my question with technology instead of going straight to asking everybody I know because it taught me to be more dependant and think of solutions on my own. It really showed me how my technology can help with my education.


As you can see, there are a variety of different subjects and topics.


Chemistry has a good selection of lessons filled with important information.