Math 9 Final Review 2017

Combine like terms:

4a + 3 4a^2 + 9a 5a^2 + 1

The first two like terms are 4a and 9a because they both have the same variables. To combine them, we simply add them together.

4a + 9a = 13a

The second set of like terms are 3 and 1. They are alike because they both do not have any variables. To combine these two together we add them as well.

3 + 1 = 4

The final set of like terms is  4a^2 and 5a^2. To combine them, we have to subtract.

-4a^25a^2 = -9a^2

The final equation, after we have combined all the like terms, is…

13a + 4 -9a^2

11.4 Misleading Statistics

This post was posted by a realtor. It seems to show that the first brand thought of by buyers or sellers of homes is Remax, yet the brand producing these results is in fact Remax itself. We don’t know the sample of this survey, but I am guessing it was mainly Remax customers or employees based on the results and producers of the survey. The influencing factors for this survey could have been bias, considering the company who made the survey won. Timing, time, use of language and privacy are also possible influencing factors. In my opinion, this is not a reliable survey, considering there was probably not enough variety of people answering the question. It is most likely not a valid survey, since there are so many possible influencing factors.

11.3 Probability in Society

The population of this survey is everyone in Canada. In my opinion, they used a sample because it would be almost impossible to survey everyone in Canada. I think it was a stratified sample, which means they split the population into multiple groups, males and females depending on their age and randomly asked a certain number of each.

Some influencing factors could have been timing, depending on that week if it was good or bad, time, because they could have been in a certain mood that would affect their answer (for example, tired and not willing to answer properly) and privacy, since they minght want to seem less stressed than they are in front of their friends or others.

My predictions of the population using the results of this survey is that people aged 35-44 experience the most days that are the most stressful. I can also predict that females usually find thier days more stressful than males of the same age.

Survey source:

11.2 Data Analysis Thoughts

1) explain what role you think statistics have in our society. 

I think that statistics can help us a lot in our society, depending on the individual. It helps constantly improve everything around us, for example, laws, businesses, jobs, etc… Without statistics and surveys, we would never know what needs to be changed. As we are constantly changing and our ideas are improving and/or changing over time, laws need to change as well.

2) (after reading the article) explain anything new that you have learned about the importance of statistics in our society.

Statistics help people all over the world. It could save lives, since once people see how many people die without wearing seat belts compared to the death rates while wearing seat belts it could influence their decisions positively. Their information can be very valuable when needed and a much more convincing way of providing it.

3) describe some problems with statistics. 

Statistics have so many influencing factors, that it is impossible to get 100% accurate numbers. Some statistics can be made up or incorrectly prepared. It can make us think things that are not even true.

11.1 Factors Influencing Data Collection

In my opinion, the influencing factors for this survey would have been privacy and time. Many of the students could have been too tired to answer properly, since it was early in the morning (the beginning of school). They could have chosen one randomly or without thinking much about it. Another important factor would have been privacy because the students could have felt pressured to answer a certain way. The first students to answer could have chosen the more expensive one to show off. The others might have felt the need to make the same choice to fit in. Without privacy, there is no guarantee for the truth and what would cause certain individuals to lie.


The Friday Everything Changed

1. The boys are very upset that the girls may carry the water because they don’t want to give up their power. They are used to basing their size and strength on who carries the bucket, which was important to them because it meant they were tough and everyone would know it. It also provided them with the opportunity to leave the school for a while and do something “real”. It was something that was theirs and the girls being able to participate would take some of that away from them.

2. To try and convince the girls to give up their plan, the boys use agression and intimidation, locking them in an outhouse and keeping the girls from playing softball with them. They even convince Alma’s cousin to try convince Alma otherwise. This backfires and only results in causing the girls to become even more determined.

3. A girl is telling the story, a side character who simply watches the events come one after the next. She was Alma Niles seat mate, who was just surprised at the idea of carrying the water at first but she and the rest of them grew more and more sure with what they wanted as the story went on.

4. The setting is in a small school house in Rural Ontario,“Like driving a tractor or playing hockey for the Toronto Maple Leafs.” It it close to the railway where they retrieve the water, “the water for our school came from a pump near the railway station.” By being in a small town, the students are less used to change, this is why the possibility of change results in such an uproar. The conflict between the girls and the boys is person vs. person because they are going against each other in a sort of war between the genders. The conflict between Alma(the girls) and the idea that girls should not carry the water and stray from tradition is person vs. Society because it is Alma against everyone and the simple thought that her idea is wrong.

5. Alma Niles is the Protagonist because she is the one going against everyone’s opinions. She is the one standing up for what she believes.
Alma goes through a change from the beginning when she was unsure of herself to becoming more confident and forcing change on the school and everyone in it.

6. The change that comes on Friday is that the girls are finally considered more equal to the boys and just as capable. For the girls it is a great victory because it is as though they get to prove themselves. When Miss Ralston hits the ball out of the park it teaches the boys a lesson about underestimating someone just because of their gender (Gender Equality). Her decision to allow the girls to carry the water is important for everyone, especially for the boys to understand that they truly aren’t much better than everyone else.



The snow falls soft and white when skies are grey
Each flake dances towards the ground in grace
Ballerinas come in heaps, wish to play
They tumble to the ground without a trace

Beautiful to see, far too cold to touch
Staining the ground with their icy designs
You can try, but you can’t escape their clutch
Glimmer and gleam, bright, each snowflake shines

Once admired, now strikes fear in many hearts
The icy soldiers built for war begin to march
The earth is quickly struck with frosty darts
Sprinkles no longer leave that hand so harsh

Sadly, ballerinas with ice cold hearts can’t stay
Those tiny dancers have been led astray