In the video Am I Pretty Enough?, by LeendaDProductions, a girl is seen sticking post-it notes to a wall. The notes are filled with all of her insecurities and doubts, which she pins up one after the other. Once she has finished her task, other people begin to emerge from the shadows. They begin to cover the notes the girl left with ones of their own, with positive messages instead of the negative ones we had seen before. As the girl reads what the others have written, we see her begin to smile, unlike when she had been crying a few minutes before. As people, when we aren’t told we matter very often, we can start to feel we don’t at all. We tend to be the hardest on ourselves and have no problem identifying imperfections and undesirable qualities, yet it only takes a couple of nice words to change our perspective or mood. When we don’t feel noticed or special we can begin to question ourselves. This video shows that as humans, we crave to be seen.