Making this video I was able to feel more of a connection to the characters in this story, I was able to start to comprehend the difficulty that girls had in the 1950’s. Making a trailer is more powerful then just reading the book over once. When we made our trailer this took a lot of re reading and studying the characters conflicts and dilemmas. Producing this video showed me how courageous that Miss R really was and the impact she made on that small school house. Our group really learnt how to collaborate, this was one of the first group projects that I have ever felt that everyone did there equal part and this is because of the organization of our ideas and thought process which was done through communication. The strategy we used was just a straight up brainstorm to get our creativity out there. We all accepted each others ideas and split the work load equally. I also learned how to download mp4’s from youtube which were used in the beginning of our trailer. This experience taught me to grateful for the time that we live in because of the privileges that I get as a girl and am taught that I am able to do whatever I put my mind too, no matter how small, big or real the task is.
Beginning Music:
Ending Music: