December 13 2021

Last week I finished up a few more pages in my book. I made one of my favourite pages that says “blossom”. The word blossom to me, means a tranformation, and self growth which is what my book is all about. I used found materials and fragmentation for this page.

For my next page, I was inspired by the idea of a sprout starting out small and then growing, so I added a seed at the bottom, and some dirt around it. then I added a fern I found to show it growing. On the page beside its used transparency by making an image transfer out of tape. I also made the pages a cut out by cutting out everything but a border and then I added my image transfer to come clear wrap. The butterfly on it symbolizes a transformation because it starts out in a cocoon and then grows into a caterpillar and finally a butterfly.

the next page, I painted a rose. the rose is rotation art because of all the layers of petals it has. The rose symbolizes the saying “every rose has its thorn”. This represents that you have to go through difficult times sometimes but there is always something beautiful on the other side.

For my last page I made this week, I drew a tree with deep roots, and a cut out of an animal burrowing in the roots. Beside it, I used rotation art again to make a pattern of a wood grain. The wood grain represents growing up, because rings in a trees bark show the age of a tree and by adding it to my book I wanted to reinforce my theme of growth.

This week, I also started a new print making design.

it is a leaf pattern to match my book. I drew the image and then copied it onto tracing paper, and then on to the linoleum.

This week I also finished my cardinal painting for my inquiry project. I think that the eye looks realistic and I am proud of how the whole painting turned out.

I am proud of the work I got done this week and after the break I want to finish my print making.

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