Safety Story

Safety Story 

One day in science class we had to chose an experiment to do.We found an experiment that looked fun but we had a dilemma. We knew that a when we were done our experiment, we had to dispose of the materials that we used, and some of our materials were hazzardous to the environment, we weren’t sure if it was right or wrong, but we decided that it was important to find the outcome of our experiment so we decided to do it anyway. We were doing a lab where we were using test tubes to hold our mixtures. In our test tubes we had a water and dye mixture, and in a different test tube we had a dye and acid mixture.Sally put her safety googles and gloves on, but Billy didn’t think that he would need safety goggles or gloves because one of the test tubes was just water. Sally explained how important eye protection and gloves are when working in the science lab because they can protect your eyes, and hands.She also showed Billy the symbol that was on the acid. The symbol was the corrosive symbol. That meant that the chemical can be harmful if you touch it, get it in your eyes, or if you breath it in. But Billy didn’t listen. After they got their test tubes filled with water and one with acid they used the eye dropper to drop dye into the tubes. Then they turned on the hot plate they noticed that the hotplate had a symbol with a flame on it. Sally told Billy that the flame meant that the hot plate could cause a fire. They held the test tubes over the hot plate with a test tube holder so that they wouldn’t burn their hands. Sally had her gloves but Billy didn’t think he would need them because he is using the test tube holder instead. While they were holding the test tubes over the hot plate Billy saw a symbol in the room with an exclamation mark on it and he asked Sally what it meant. Sally said it meant that it can be harmful to you but in a minor way. Sally then pointed out another symbol with a skull and a cross and she red Billy the definition of the symbol it means it can cause death or  toxicity from small amounts. After Billy heard that he asked sally to hold his test tube so he can put on his eye protection and gloves. Billy told Sally the symbol scared him and now he understands why he should put the right safety devices on in the first place.

Image result for WHMIS symbol skullImage result for WHMIS symbol skullImage result for corrosive

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2 thoughts on “Safety Story

  1. You did a good job on your safety story. You communicated your understanding of safety issues in the Science class well. Thanks for including the safety symbols and their meanings. Please check your map picture as it appears to be a broken link.

  2. All the information was distinct and evident and the story was very fluent. Maybe you could try to be a bit more detailed next time you right a story, but it was done really well overall.

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