Digital Footprint

1.How Might Your Digital Foot Print Affect Your Future Opportunities?

Your digital footprint can jeopardize some of your big opportunities in your future. An example of  how a social media post can ruin big opportunities in your life is if you are applying for a job and you did really well at the interview and they were going to hire you but then they saw your social media and noticed that you were posting things that were offensive and discriminative. When they see your posts they will probably hire a different person that doesn’t post those types of things. A good way your digital foot print can affect your future opportunities is if you are posting about all your good accomplishments that you have done, such as volunteering or helping a charity by promoting it on your social media.                               Job Openings  Foot steps in the sandMy Footprint

2. What are Some Strategies That you can do to Keep Your Digital Foot Print Safe?

Some strategies to keep your digital footprint safe are doing things like not having social media and if you do you should make sure all of your social medias accounts are private so you have to accept people before they can follow you. You should also not use your real name on social media so people won’t know your name, and if you do use your name make sure it is not your full name because that can be even more dangerous. If you have social media and you are posting you should make sure that you stop and think about what you post before you send it out for the whole world to see. If you post you should try and post things likeyou volunteering, if you are organizing a fundraiser, or if you are doing something good for the world that you are proud of. Those are some strategies to keeping your digital footprint safe.

phoneSaskatchewan46             No posting

3.What Did I Learn and How can I Pass on the Helpful Information?

I learnt that every single person has a digital foot print and it starts when you are born. When you are first born you cannot control your digital foot print, but now you make the decisions about how the world views your online you. I think that it is extremely important for people to learn about their digital foot prints and how the effects of a bad foot print can ruin great opportunities for them. I think one way people can avoid having a bad digital foot print is by waiting to get any kinds of social media until they can understand what a digital foot print is. I also think that when you get social media they should explain to you what a digital foot print is, and I think that could avoid problems for many people. I learnt that you can’t just get rid of a digital foot print. Even if you delete an app the things you posted don’t just disappear, they stay with you for the rest of your life. You can’t erase any part of your digital foot print and it sticks with you for your whole life. That is why it is so important you make wise choices when you are online. I can help share this information by telling my friends and family about it, and whenever they ask me if they should post a picture I will tell them to stop and think before you post. I will also let my friends know that you shouldn’t have your full name or your school or any clubs your involved in, in your bio



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2 thoughts on “Digital Footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – I like your emphasis on posting some of the great things in which you are involved
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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