digital footprint questions

th83nkbata How might your digital footprint affect you in the future

It could effect you in many ways. Two ways are under age drinking and then someone getting drunk and posting pitchers of them doing dumb things and things that you regret. The second one is Being a creepy stalker  on social Media. An employer might look you up


describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe

  • password protection
  • privacy settings
  • Google yourself for no bad picture

 what information would you pass on to your friends ?

  • not meeting online people by yourself
  • posting bad photos of me could hart my opportunitiesth1aqgvs7s




SSEP connection-based-learning\making liker in space

dn12388-1_150dn12388-2_250-2SSEP experiment that we are going to try making alcohol

Questions C, The different of this experiment is how to make alcohol in space it will take skill and if you don’t do it properly you could spill everything and make everything go all over the place. If you made Anatole in space it would look like this and it would be bad and you don’t drink it you eat it

Questions D by combing the four main ingredients are (malt barley, hops, yeast, water,)  (Hanson 1997-2013)