Maya‘s Goals

Use the space below to write your personal goal statement. Colour-code it as indicated above to ensure you have all the necessary components for a good goal statement.

In this semester, I will get A or A+ Level of my biology and chemistry classes. I plan to complete all of the assignments on time and write down all of the notes I have learned in these two classes specifically and carefully, also get A or A+ in each quizzes and tests. When I get anything wrong or not learned a certain knowledge point in the learning process clearly,I will going to ask questions for my teacher and classmates until I understand the knowledge point. Teachers who have more experiences can help me to figure out the issue effective and efficiently.

Use the space below to write your academic goal statement. Colour-code it as indicated above to ensure you have all the necessary components for a good goal statement.

Become a biology professor or biomedical engineer before 35 years old. I plan to get A or A+ grade of all the subjects that are related to these two career and attend the study of my professor have doing in university. There are many obstacles to becoming a biology professor and biomedical engineer, such as questions about learning or not fully understanding what the professor has to say. I will communicate with my professor and ask him to make sure that I understand the context. All the people who have helped me, no matter how much they have helped me, are people who deserve my gratitude. Like teachers, parents, friends, etc.

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