What I learned about gr 9 fractions

fractions on number lines
I have done fractions on number lines before in middle school and elementary but I have not done mixed fractions on number line for example lets say the question is \frac{3}{5} than I know now that the 3 over 5 will be in front of the whole number which is 1 and that each five that you move makes the whole go up by 1. what I found easier to do lets say there are decimals and fraction I turn all of them to a fraction I find the common denominator and from there I do the steps but if they are in a improper fraction than I change it to a mixed.
comparing fractions
for the comparing fraction part I already new all of that from middle school and I used to go to kumon also known as tutoring and I learned all that. but I did not learn how to come fractions with a square root sign in it that kind of confused me but after I figured it out how to do that.

Adding and Subtracting fractions.

I kind of knew everything about adding and subtracting fractions, but one thing I learned is high school fractions I am still used to the middle school fractions but I’m slowly getting the hang of doing the high school fractions.
multiplying/dividing fractions
for multiplying and dividing fractions I knew everything about that cause I find it simple. when the negatives and the positives come along that’s were I have a little bit of trouble but towards the end of it I think I got it down and I all so need to remember to use the high school fractions and show more work even though I do the answer in me head I need to show work.

ONE other thing you learned about rational numbers

the one thing that I struggled on was the square root number I just did not really understand how to do that specially when it was in a fraction problem but once the teacher explained it in a way that I would understand so that was good for me. I have to say it was challenging for me in the beginning I don’t really like math but once I got the hang out it I started to like math.

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