consumable waste assignment

How much of these foods come in different types of packaging?

Many of the foods we eat are packaged with plastic, carboard and Styrofoam and than all the garbage that we through out  end up in the ocean were fish and other sea animals eat it thinking it is food, and eventually die from it. Cause the plastic and the other materials clog up there stomach and they cant digest the plastic and from there they can eat any other food.

What kind of packaging materials are usually used

 the most frequently used to package food it plastic and that is the worst out of all of them. the second most frequently one is carboard and carboard is bad, yes if it does end up in the ocean most of it will disappear but the ones that don’t it can and will harm the sea animals. all of these materials are very harmful to us and the animals including whales, fish, sharks, seagulls and other sea creators. so what I’m saying is that all of the materials are bad for us and all the animals.

Why do you think that all of these materials were chosen specifically for the products purchased?

I Think they chose these materials cause there cheap and easy to make. I don’t think they care about that the materials that there using can harm the wildlife. they chose plastic because certain foods can last long in plastic.

How is packaging both positive and negative for the consumer (the person using it)?

The positive thing about the materials they use its that it is light so you don’t have something that’s heavy and it is easy to use so you don’t have to have like scissors or a knife you. another reason why its positive becuase it is easy to through out but you need to remember where to through it out. the negative thing is that it is harmful to the environment if you do not through it out the right way then it will most likely end up in the ocea and from there it will get eaten by sea life or birds, and they will die from it. if you leave it on the ground, and you think is will just decompose than your wrong it will take up to 1000 years for the plastic to decompose and it does not matter about the size.

What happens to these packaging materials once we have eaten the food inside?

The will get thrown out and if your carful than it will end up in the correct place . but if your not than if will end up in the ocean and in the ocean there is this special spot where all the plastic end up in  Great Pacific garbage patch if you seen the pictures than you know its full of plastic and garbage and the sad part is that all the animals it that and that just kills them.

Where is the packaging waste after one day? One year? One hundred years?

after you through it the correct way then all the plastic goes to this warehouse and this company makes all the plastic in to new and improved bottles and the process just keeps on going but if you throw it out the wrong way than it will take forever for it to decompose it will take up to 1000 years and from than any animal can pick it up and eat it.

What happens to the food waste?

it is usally thrown out in the trash and thats bad your are waste perfectly good food you should either keep the food for another day if your full but if it is expired than next time watch you dates and don’t over buy when your at the store. another thing you could do is but it but eat it or drink the food that you have before it expires.

Provide 3-4 suggestions for ways that consumers can decrease the amount of waste we create.

1. the first way is that just try not to buy as much food in plastic
2. if you do buy food that contain plastic than always remember to throw it out the right way
3. if you buy the plastic than don’t buy so much of it


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