Category Archives: Shape of the Day 11

Shape of the Day 11- April 19, 2022

Hope you had a wonderful long weekend.

Today we will start with silent reading.

Today you and your groups will listen to your pass recordings and discuss what you are doing well and what you can improve on.  You will hand in all of your discussions but I will only listen to the two you want me to mark.  If you need to add anything to that discussion be sure to do that.  Make sure everyone in the group is present.

Shape of the Day 11- April 8, 2022

Please hand in everything you need to….. report cards are just around the corner

Introducing “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Need”

1 page; typed or written in your booklet; use at least two quotes from your story

Discuss elements in groups and then as a class

Relating it to literature

  • You will write your  reflection in your lit circle package about your novel as it reflects “Maslow’s Hierarchy”. What part(s) of the hierarchy is your protagonist missing/seeking/protecting? How is this represented in the story? How does this relate to the conflict in your story?
  • 1 page; typed or written in your booklet; use at least two quotes from your story, you should be able to finish it in class, or by the weekend.