New Book Cover – “The Fault in Our Stars”


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green tells the tale of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. The book cover of The Fault in Our Stars is quite simple since it is mostly a blue background with black and white clouds. I think the clouds might represent Hazel and Gus’s thoughts, since in the book Hazel is the more negative person since she thinks its not worth doing anything since she is going to die and she doesn’t want to cause anyone sadness when she dies so she sits in her room all day. While, Gus tries to be positive and optimistic around Hazel knowing that she is going to die so he tries to help her feel better since it is better to spend time with her and make the most out of it instead of just letting her be. The black cloud would be Hazels thought since I think it represents a black cloud of sadness while the white one represents Gus’s more positive way of thinking. Even at the end of the book when Gus is dying he still tries to be optimistic and tries to cheer Hazel up by cracking up jokes like saying “I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up.”

The cover I made for The Fault in Our Stars describes the story while still being quite simple like the original cover. My cover shows stars lighting up the night sky which is symbolism towards the book, in the book when they go out to the fancy restaurant which was called Oranjee in Amsterdam they drink champagne and they call the champagne stars. Also in the cover I made I added the 1# New York Times sticker since the book won an award for how good it was. I chose this cover because the bottom of it was dark while the top of it was lighter which I used as symbolism towards the book as the dark side could be the darker themes of the book like all the kids with cancer that died or the fact that Hazel will indeed die in a few years or so and the lighter side of the cover would be the more optimistic side like the way Augustus thinks. Gus is very optimistic around Hazel trying to help her and remind her to try and be as happy as possible, to live her best life since she has thyroid and lung cancer and is going to die soon.

HCE 9 – English Write

I chose to do the Assimilation vs Inclusivity piece which was created by an unknown artist. I believe that this art piece represents the aboriginal people of Canada being forced into assimilation by the Canadian government. I think this piece shows the aboriginal people being forced to change clothes, cut their hair, and change their entire culture and become what the Canadian government wanted them to become. This piece of art demonstrates the fact that the Canadian government showed little to no respect for the people who were living in the land before them and how they forced them to assimilate into Canadians. I think that the colour leaving them and their hairs cuts becoming the same as everyone else’s indicates them losing their culture and everything to them and becoming one with the rest of the crowd and becoming what the Canadian government at the time wanted of them. 

Mitosis Stop Motion Project

1. Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis- one over the other? Be specific!!!

I wanted us to do mitosis because I couldn’t really help with the stop motion part of it because I didn’t have any materials, so I thought we should do the easier and shorter one since Naomi would have to do all of the pictures.

2. What was the most challenging thing in making your movie?

We had a lot of technical difficulties with sending the pictures to each other and once Naomi finished the video, I was having issues getting into the video because it was on private mode for awhile.

3. What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie?

The planning sheet was easiest to do with making the movie because we have a lot of technical difficulties with sending photos and sending the finished video of it.

4. How could you improve your movie?

I overall think the movie actually looks really good, but it would’ve been easier to make the video if we could send the photos and the video to each other easier.

5. Thinking about how you worked with your partner, what were some of the challenges and successes of working in a group?

I think me and Naomi work well as partners but we couldn’t send things to each other for some reason so that was the biggest challenge of us working together. For the successes we worked well on the project when we were in class and we worked well on the planning sheet as well.

6. Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis?

It is very important for the cells in the body to preform mitosis so they can replicate cells to replace other cells when they die or the body wouldn’t be able to function. Also, it is important for the growth of bodies as well without mitosis we wouldn’t be able to live because cells are in everything basically.

7. Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis?

Meiosis is important for things that can only sexually reproduce because they provide the chromosomes which are very important for sexually reproduced things to have genetic variety so they can adapt to things easier and are different from the parent.

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