3D Art 11

Week #, Date. Title (projects worked on) 

  1. Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process. (Minimum of three photos a week!)
  2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
  3. Your biggest success of the week.
  4. Goal for next week.

Week #1, September 7, 2023. – Intro Week! 

    1. This week I learned what I will be doing in 3D art, I also did a scavenger hunt that was meant for Studio Arts, but whatever. Today I created my new Edublog page and created my first post.
    2. I struggled to get people to interact with me during the scavenger hunt because I did not want to get up just to spite Mx. Vittie. It worked and it was funny.
    3. Creating my first Edublog post successfully and helping others create an Edublog page for the first time.
    4. My goal for next week is starting whatever project we are going to create next week and perhaps making some new friends as well.

This crab sculpture was made by me last year!


Week 2#, September 14, 2023. – First Project

  1. This week we worked on our Elements and Principles of Art Skill Builder. Not only that, but I finished that project already!
  2. My biggest struggle of the week was finding that elements an principles for that project.
  3. My greatest success this week was finishing the project on time.
  4. Figure out what animal I want to do for my next project.

This is some of my progress on our first project, Elements and Principles of Art Skill Builder. In said photos you can see what I am using to create the art by cutting out parts of a magazine and then imputing them into the specific element or principle of art.

Also, for my Life on Land project. I have decided to do a Marbled Cat. A very rare species of small cat that lives in southeast Asia.

A portrait of a marbled cat.


Week 3#, September 21, 2023. – Life on Land Project

  1. This week we worked on our new project, Life on Land where you create a paper mache, multimedia animal and write about the threats it has as an animal.
  2. My biggest struggle of the week was painfully cutting out cardboard because I struggle with using an exacto knife.
  3. My greatest success this week was starting the project as well as completing the vast majority of the cardboard armature that we are going to be applying mache upon.
  4. Finish the rest of my cardboard and start the paper mache portion of the project by the end of next week.


Week 4#, September 28, 2023 – Paper Mache Time

  1. This week I firstly, finally finished my armature of my creature, and secondly I started paper maching. Though I am no where near done the mache, it is going great so far.
  2. My biggest struggle of the week was finishing my cardboard armature because it was too thin meaning I had to re-add the “ribs” and attach more cardboard to different parts of its body.
  3. My greatest success this week was actually getting to the paper mache portion of the project despite all these issues I had to get over. I may be a bit behind but atleast I’ve finally started.
  4. Finish the paper mache portion of the project by the end of next week. If I am unable to do that, then atleast get a significant portion of it done.

Inquiry Term-Long Project (Purpose)

I want to make a clay sea creature by the end of this year similar to my project last year. My redrock crab for Life Below Water project. Like this project I want to make a clay animal and then paint over it to make it as accurately as possible.

3 inspiring photos:

-All three of these images show clay models of living sea creatures. Though I doubt I’ll do animals like these, I think they are great inspiration as they show the way sea creatures bodies are so different/diverse depending on their environment.

I want to do a moray eel because I love them. They are silly long fish that always have their mouths in an expression of :0 . They always have their mouths agape because that is actually how they breathe.

Ideas of eel species:

-Giant Moray Eel

-Fangtooth Moray

-American Eel

-Pike Conger Eel

-Frilled Shark (Is not an eel but I like them :] )


To learn more about marine life as well as learning how to paint better because I often struggle with it and I believe that this project would allow me to gain more skill in the subject. Also, like the Life Below Water project from last year, it would teach people about marine life and how to protect them from threats.


-As stated earlier, painting is not my strong suit and I believe it will be a difficulty if not my biggest one. Another issue may be creating the clay model of the creature because eels are very strange in shape. They are quite wormy, but they have many bumps and fins around their body.


Week 5#, October 05, 2023 – Start of the Mache

  1. This week I started off sick making the already short week extra short so I did not get too much done. I have started the mache and got most of the stomach area done with paper mache.
  2. My biggest struggle of the week was actually getting the stupid cat to stand because its silly legs would not actually stay straight without bending so I had to constantly add things to it to stop the bending.
  3. My greatest success getting my cat to stand up.
  4. Finish the paper mache portion of the project by the end of next week. If I am unable to do that, then atleast get a significant portion of it done.


Week 6#, October 12, 2023 – Thickening it up

  1. This week I started my paper claying over the mached parts of my cat as well as started thickening the arms and legs to show where the muscles would be because previously the cat was very thin and could barely stand.
  2. My biggest struggle of the week was getting he paper mache around the feet because I found it hard to get it to stick. I have figured that out though and it now stands and looks more catlike.
  3. My greatest success was going to school each day of the week and seeing that my cat finally was standing. Made me very happy to see that.
  4. Finish the paper mache portion of the project by the end of next week. Start the clay part and get a good bit done.

Week 7#, October 19, 2023 – Paper clay almost done

  1. This week I almost finished my paper clay. The photo below contains my animal as well as the my friends animals which are both black-footed ferrets.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was waiting for the paper clay to be ready because it takes forever.
  3. My greatest success was completing the vast majority of the paper claying. By the end of next week I should be able to finish unless something comes up.
  4. Finish the paper mache part by next week.


Week 8#, October 26, 2023 – Clay yippee.

  1. This week I was sick for half of it so I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish the clay by the end of the week.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was being sick for half of it.
  3. My greatest success was getting out of bed and going to school despite feeling yucky.
  4. Finish the clay please please please.

Week 9#, October 31, 2023 – Halloween!

  1. This week I finished my the paper clay as well as the normal clay. Next week I will be able to start the painting process.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was making the clay smooth when putting it on the cat. It was very hard to this.
  3. My greatest success was finishing the paper clay and starting the plaster clay on my marbled cat.
  4. Finish the plaster clay completely and then start painting by next week.

2 Sides of Me Clay Mask (11) PURPOSE

Seen: extraverted, smart, outgoing, student, friendly, human

-Raccoons are seen as smart animals that live in a human filled world with ease. They are very good at surviving and adapting despite the world around them constantly changing.

Unseen: angry, stressed, anxious, endoskeleton

-Opossums are skittish silly mammals who are known for getting so stressed out they will even go as far to play dead rather than running away and or fighting a threat.

Raccoon + opossum


-A mix of both being smart and anxious.








Week 10#, November 9, 2023 – Almost done!

  1. This week I started sandpapering the clay that I had added to my cat. It is starting to look like an actual animal :).
  2. My biggest struggle this week was sanding the clay down.
  3. My greatest success was starting to sand down my cat because that means the only next step is adding
  4. At least start the painting by next week.

Week 11#, November 16, 2023 – Very short week

  1. This week I only got to school today because I had a field trip and I was sick one day. I will probably start the painting by tomorrow.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was coming to school.
  3. My greatest success was coming to school despite not feeling very great.
  4. At least start the painting by this week.

Week 12#, November 23, 2023 – Cat Moment

  1. This week has been an emotional roller-coaster for my cat because it has gone through so many colours that it should not actually be. First it was green, now it is gray, and last time I checked these cats are yellow.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was ungreening my cat because it was green.
  3. My greatest success was making my cat no longer zombified because I’m not entirely sure, but I think Marbled Cats are meant to be yellowish.
  4. Finish painting/project by next week 🙂 .

Week 13#, November 30, 2023 – Colour Wheel

  1. This week has we were forced to relearn the colour wheel because as it turns out, we are all stupid and quite literally forgot how colours work.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was understanding how colours work because half the time they just kind of mix and make something that would make no sense. If you mix blue and yellow enough it eventually just makes gray, how does that make any sense.
  3. My greatest success was finishing my colour wheel on time though I am uploading it to my Edublog a tad bit late because my colour wheels file type was not allowing me to upload it.
  4. Finish painting/project cat by next week.

Week 14#, December 7, 2023 – My Cat is Yellow

  1. This week I have successfully changed my cats colour from green, an incorrect colour of a cat, to yellow which is nicer.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was painting because I often struggle with that, but my cats beginning to actually look good 🙂 .
  3. My greatest success was learning how to paint well and actually make my cat yellow yippee.
  4. Finish painting/project cat by next next week because I’m not there for the next week.

Week 15#, December 14, 2023 – BCIT WOOOOHOHOHOHO

  1. This entire week I was at BCIT doing a program. It went very well, but unfortunately that means I did not progress any bit for art this week. Despite being behind I had a really good time.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was the fact that I could not physically get any work done considering I was not even in the art room.
  3. My greatest success was learning how to use a centrifuge and working with biological material and how to edit DNA. Within my program we changed the protein within a plasmid within E.Coli bacteria which led to it glowing under UV light. This is an example of DNA editing because we changed its function and sequence by editing its plasmid.
  4. Finish painting/project cat by next next week.

Week 16#, December 21, 2023 – IT IS FINISHED!

  1. This entire week I buckled down and finally finished my stupid art cat. It looks much nicer painted!
  2. My biggest struggle this week was paying attention to painting instead of being distracted by my very cool friends. Even if they distract me, I still wish to keep my friendship with them.
  3. My greatest success this week was finishing my cat as well as painting it almost fully by myself! Last year, Mx. Vittie pretty much helped me with the entire painting process of my crab sculpture but this year I painted myself and I am genuinely proud.
  4. My goal is to have a nice restful holiday break!

Week 17#, January 12, 2024 – Clay mask

  1. This week I started my mask and created the nose, face, and ears. It is supposed to be a raccoon and an opossum.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was making the nose of my animal because it kind of looked like a pig.
  3. My greatest success this week was starting and getting a lot done of my mask this week.
  4. My goal is to finish it by next week.

Week 18#, January 19, 2024 – Last Week

  1. This week I worked a lot on my mask. I buckled down and did the entire thing basically in a day after restarting the nose and half the face. I believe it no longer looks like a pig 🙂 which makes me happier.
  2. My biggest struggle this week was focusing and ignoring my friends because I was forced to work.
  3. My greatest success this week was getting the whole thing ready to bisque fired.
  4. My goal is to finish it fully by the end of tomorrow.



January 24, 2024

Steph Long

This project was meant to represent my two sides of me; one being my outside side which is represented by a raccoon. I chose a raccoon because I have been seen as smart, which is a stereotype of raccoons. The opossum side is meant to represent the self I tend to hide within me. I am very anxious like a opossum. Opossums are very skittish creatures that play dead when threatened.

Collaborative Studio Maintenance Project

-My group was Reese and Avery and our area the sink by the acrylic paints. Unfortunately, I was not there most of the days of cleaning because I was at BCIT, but I did help with all the ones after that. Because of this I did not get all my photos for this. If you want to see more of my Collaborative Maintenance Project please go to Reese’s Edublog because she has more of the photos than I do. 

Division of Tasks

-Usually with our group we just kind of decide who does what on the day. The last time we did it though, I did all the dishes and it was very gross frankly.

End of Term Completion

-I believe that we did really contribute to the cleanliness of the area we chose. Without us it would be way more dirty. Unfortunately, by the end of the day it would probably be dirty again, but us doing the dishes and other things freed up space there.


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