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What interested me about the article was its main topic. It is interesting that something as simple as disagreeing or arguing with someone could be put into so many different categories. Although the author of the article is mainly quoting off of an old article written a few years ago they did a very good job of integrating the main ideas with new ones of their own. According to the article, the worst way to argue or disagree with someone is to call them names. The way Paul Ratner explained this point was refreshing because he took it from a view of someone off of the internet, where it was informal and written poorly and also as someone who sounded more professional. The top and best way to disagree relates to our novel study of Fahrenheit 451, Montag is refuting the central point of his whole society. He reads books, which is completely against what their society believes is right, and he shows them that thinking for yourself is good instead of just numbing your thoughts to mush.

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