Socials Confederation Project

I represented Nova Scotia. Our most important issue was being protected from the United States using New Brunswick’s navy and being able to trade using the inter colonial railway. Well we made sure to agree with most things that New Brunswick wanted also agreeing to help pay for the navy and in return give them some of our people to help protect their border. I wasn’t here for the whole negotiation process but I did talk to PEI about the ferry and how they did not want to pay for the railway since they are not using it directly. But I did point out to them that if they do not help pay for the railway then none of the other colonies will help pay for their ferry. For the most part I am happy about the outcome but I do not know how much my colony is paying for, for the ferry, navy, army, and railway. I like the way things happened and everything that was important did happen so I would not want to change anything.

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