Health Unit Reflection:

For this written part of the health unit in PHE 1o I’ve decided to go with the core competency theme of critical thinking. The question I found from there is “How do you question things your classmates say during class discussions?”

When in class I do tend to question things that my classmates say, at first I question it in my head wondering to myself how I might answer it or understand. Then if I don’t get an answer I lean over and ask one of my friends in the class so that we can quickly and quietly brainstorm and possibly come up with an answer. If all else fails, I will ask the class or direct the question to the person who first asked. I believe this is a good way to understand things by using the 3 rule I was taught in elementary school: Me, friend, person who asked in the first place. I’ve been using it since grade 5 and it always seems to work, sometimes I will have to ask the teacher as well to get a clearer explanation but I’ve always been pretty good at figuring things out myself or with the help of a friend.


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