Praise song for the day

Praise song for the day

By Elizabeth Alexander




Poem Meaning:

Doing their tasks and accepting the fact that they had to do things that they didn’t want to do. They are clinging to the idea that hope is coming in the future. The hope is that Obama will help build that bridge to a better future.


Praise song for the day written by Elizabeth Alexander, speaks out on how people living take for granted the past and what others had to do for us to have the freedom we do today. “Say it plain: that many have died for this day” (Stanza 9). At times in this poem, Alexander speaks through the minds of Black or Chinese people that were used as slaves. “Picked the cotton and the lettuce, built brick by brick the glittering edifices they would then keep clean and work inside of” (Stanza 10). Line 1 in stanza 7 states, “I know there is something better down the road”. This line shows the hope people have for the future. There was something better down the road for people who weren’t treated equally. Obama’s inauguration was what many waited for. Obama stood for equality, which is what many waited for. The final line in Praise song for the day, states “praise song for walking forward in the light” (Line 42). That line simply tells readers that things are slowly but surely getting better and things will continue to get better as you continue to walk forward in the light. ‘Forward into the light’ meaning the bright and positive future.


Goods Eats Coffee Video Response

2 things Ive learned 

  • Coffee bean is the pit of a cherry like fruit ( Arabica Tree) .
  • The further you roast a coffee bean, the lower in caffeine it will be.

1 thing I already knew 

  • Coffee can become very addictive for some people, they need it to get through the day and will get headaches if they don’t have it.

And 1 question 

  • Where do I store my coffee? The fridge or cupboard?

Answer: The temperature of where you store your coffee will have a major effect on the coffees shelf life. It is best to keep coffee in an air tight container that is away from natural light. In a dark cupboard is a great storing place. Storing coffee in the fridge is fine, but it is best to let settle to room temperature before use, so why not save time and just keep it in a cupboard.



Food waste

My family is big on not wasting any food, my dad especially. I think it’s because growing up he wasn’t very fortunate and lots of the time his family would just get buy paying this bills let alone feeding a family of 8. Nothing was wasted in their household. My dad remembers looking at other kids at school throwing away the crusts from sandwiches and thinking they were crazy and how much he wished he had a sandwich for lunch.  At my house, we use a compost bin, but you will hardly see edible food in there. It’s mostly just vegetable shavings, apple cores and banana peels. My dad won’t even let us leave food on our plate at dinner, and if we are too full, he saves it and the next time we are hungry, it is what we have to eat. My family rarely eats out because both my parents have cooking backgrounds and love to cook.

Personally, I could definitely improve on my food waste. I often find containers of old food in my backpacks and then have to throw it out or sometimes I won’t finish dinner and I will sneak my plate  into the garage and scrap it into the compost down there so that no one knows I wasted food. To become better at eating all my food or at least not having it go bad in my backpack, the first thing I can do when I get home is unpack my lunch and either eat it or put it in the fridge for later.