Thursday June 14/18

1). Formative (practice) quiz – Cariboo Gold
2). Attendance
3). Current Event (Trump’s salute of North Korean general in Singapore goes viral, Trump celebrates 72 birthday, feud continues between wife’s of two Ottawa Senators hockey player’s, $45,000 piece of art stolen from Toronto streets, pending lawsuit against Trump family for embezzling charity funds)
4). Work Check – “British Columbia to 1896 – The Railway Survey” questions 1-11
5). Discussion – “British Columbia to 1896 – The Railway Survey” questions 1-11
6). Distribute assignment “British Columbia to 1896 – The Chinese of British Columbia” questions 1-11
7). WORK BLOCK – “British Columbia to 1896 – The Chinese of British Columbia” questions 1-11 due at the beginning of Friday’s class
8). TEST – British Columbia Unit Test Wednesday June 20th.

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