Category Archives: Socials 10 Lessons

Thursday Jan.17/19

1). Attendance 2). Current Events (BC Gas to upgrade gas lines throughout Lower Mainland, 700,000 fish killed at Powell River hatchery due to human error, Vancouver City Council call for climate emergency, first openly gay “trap” artist gunned down in … Continue reading

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Wednesday Jan.16/19

1). Attendance 2). Distribute assignment “The Burden of Debt” due at the beginning of Thursday’s class 3). WORK BLOCK (60 minutes) 4). HOMEWORK “The Burden of Debt” due at the beginning of Thursday’s class

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Tuesday Jan.15/19

1). Attendance 2). Distribute textbooks & assignment “Economic Development in Canada” questions due at the beginning of Wednesday’s class 3). Current Events (Trump’s orders fast order takeout for visiting Clemson Tigers football at the White House, Canadian man caught smuggling … Continue reading

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Monday Jan.14/19

1). Attendance 2). TEST – Cold War unit test 3). HOMEWORK – Comparing Standards of Living questions 1-11 due at the beginning of Tuesday’s class

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Friday Jan.11/19

1). Attendance 2). Distribute reading & assignment “Comparing Standards of Living” question 1-11 due at the beginning of Tuesday’s class. 3). WORK BLOCK (60 minutes) 4). HOMEWORK – Study for Monday’s Cold War unit test

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Thursday Jan.10/19

1). Formative (practice) quiz – Avro Arrow & Cuban Missile Crisis 2). Attendance 3). Kahoot Review Game for Monday’s Cold War Unit Test 4). Distribute assignment “The New World Order” questions 1-4 5). WORK BLOCK (25 minutes) 6). HOMEWORK “The … Continue reading

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Wednesday Jan.9/19

1). Formative (practice) – Cold War 2). Attendance 3). Current Events (Langley mother starts condo clean air protest, Kentucky teacher fired for dragging 9 year old autistic boy, house video surveillance shows unknown man licking family doorbell for 3 hours, … Continue reading

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Tuesday Jan.8/19

1). Attendance 2). Current Events (Trump’s federal government shutdown now three weeks, Tennessee woman wrongfully convicted of crime serves 15 years, again gang-related shooting in Surrey, truck driver involved in Humboldt incident pleas guilty to running a stop sign) 3). … Continue reading

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Monday Jan.7/19

1). Formative (practice) quiz – 1950s Canadian Soviet Spy Ring 2). Current Events (7 men killed in bar shooting at popular Mexican resort, actor Kevin Spacey to be sentenced today on sexual assault charges, family of five dies in traffic … Continue reading

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Friday Dec.21/18

1). Attendance 2). Work Check “The Issues of North American Defenses” questions 1-6 3). Christmas Kahoot Game 4). Have a safe and happy holiday!

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