auto biography
What I think it means to be Canadian
Canada is known for its vast forests and lucky for us we are the leading industry in forestry, with it Canada makes a lot of money by exporting our wood to the many other counties. because of this Canada has managed to become a first world country as our dollar usually is .80 in the world.
Canada has always let people imagrate here from the beginning from slaves to the Irish to today with the
Saurian refugees .
my perSWAYsive project
Partner story
weekend peom
poetic divices
Garibaldi lake
for this project i will be attempting to answer these following questions…
- Estimate how much water the barrier contains behind it in the lake.
- and if the barrier failed, what do you think would happen
So after using some truly useful and trust worthy internet sites i can confidently say that the Max depth is 258.7 M deep and the area is 9.94 Km which translates to 9940 M but the average depth is 119M. So first we take the SA (9940M) then we multiply it by the average depth of 119M (which i guess for this acts as the height) and i get the answer of 1,182,86oM. which after some complected conversion from meters to pounds it equals 2607759.923426515 Pounds of water. which roughly translates to 3,535,648Nm of force and that can cause a lot of….pain
i think if the wall was to break it would go out with enough force that it would knock over most of the trees in its way, it would pore out and drain pretty fast which would give it enough force to reach squeamish and do some major damage like cars being taken away, major house flooding and most work being shut down/stopped (but that would mostly be at the beginning of Squamish and it will thin out as it goes) but not all the water would drain out cause lets say the entire blockade breaks well it will still leave water in the bottom and doing the math that is just 258.7-119=139.7M worth of water left in the deepest part but then there is also the extra water that is still sitting on the top moving on the way to the now broken barrier. but after a while a river will form flowing to the ocean and that will be the end of the lake tragedy