Literature Picture Project

The short story “Evil Robot Monkey” by Mary Robinette Kowal, is about a super intelligent monkey named Sly, who doesn’t fit in with the world. Reasons for that is because of how smart he is. Sly feels he doesn’t fit in with the other chimps because he is way smarter than them. For this story, one is doing a project, which is done by explaining the parts of the stories plot.

  1. Exposition – “Sliding his hands over the clay, Sly relished the moisture oozing around his fingers.” (#1)
  2.  Image result for a monkey playing with clay

This quote introduces the main protagonist and what he likes to play with in his time.


2. Rising Action #1 and 2 – “Someone banged on the window of his pen. Sly jumped and then screamed as the vase collapsed under its own weight.”, “The clay spattered against the Plexiglas, sliding down the window.” (#1)

Image result for monkey jumping and screaming

These 2 quotes both explain the rising section of the story, where as the picture represents how Sly jumped and screamed out of fear when he heard the banging on the window.


3. Climax – “Sly’s lips drew back in a grimace built of anger and fear. Rage threatened to blind him, but he held on” (#2)

Image result for monkey getting mad

This quote explains the climax of the story because it shows how Sly, compared to other monkey’s, can control his anger. The picture represents how Sly is feeling in the story.


4. Falling Action – “Vern’s eyes were moist. “Do you want me to put that in the kiln for you?” (#2)

Image result for male moist eyes

The quote begins to wrap up the story, by Vern asking Sly an important question. The picture describes how moist Vern’s eyes were.


5. Conclusion – “Sly sat down at his wheel and began to turn.” (#2)

Image result for monkey sitting down on a tire swing

The quote gives us the final concluding sentence of the story, which ends the story. It also tells us what Sly does at the very end.


6. Physical Setting – “Someone banged on the window of his pen.” (#1)

Related image

This quote states where the story takes place – inside Sly’s pen. The picture represents what it would look like.


7. Emotional Setting – “Sly bared his teeth, knowing these people would take it as a grin, but he meant it as a threat.” (#1)

Related image

The quote explains how Sly is feeling at the moment, where as the picture shows him feeling that way (barring his teeth).


8. Conflict Type – “In the courtyard beyond the glass, a group of school kids leapt back, laughing. One of them swung his arms aping Sly crudely.” (#1)

Image result for school kids looking at a monkey

The quote states the conflict Sly is dealing with – Person vs person (Sly vs school kids).


9. Ending Type – “I understand.” He waited until the door closed, then loped over and scooped the clay up. It was not much, but it was enough for now. Sly sat down at his wheel and began to turn.     END” (#2)

Image result for monkey sitting down on a tire swing

These quote sentences state that the story ends in a cliffhanger.


10. Irony Example – “Vern knelt in front of Sly, closer than anyone else would come when he wasn’t sedated. It would be so easy to reach out and snap his neck.” (#1)

Image result for person getting close to a monkey

This quote states a situational irony in the story, giving Vern is putting his life in danger on purpose.


11. Suspense – “He seemed to understand the hellish limbo where Sly lived–too smart to be with other chimps, but too much of an animal to be with humans.” (#1)

Image result for monkey smart

This quote explains a dilemma in which Sly is to smart to be with his tribe but to much of an animal with humans.


12. Characterization – “Sliding his hands over the clay, Sly relished the moisture oozing around his fingers. The clay matted down the hair on the back of his hands making them look almost human.” (#1)

Image result for a monkey playing with clay

These quote sentences state that the story opens up as direct characterization by revealing the main character of the story and what he likes to fiddle with.










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