Caffeine Myth

“Caffeine stunts your growth”


These 2 articles both explain why this myth isn’t true, so it would mean that the myth is busted. Some examples from each article are:

“coffee doesn’t stunt a person’s growth. How tall you are mostly depends on your genes. Good nutrition is also important to reach your maximum height potential.”, “For some time, growing teens were warned that drinking coffee would stunt their growth. However, there is no evidence that drinking coffee has any effect on height.”, “The exact origin of this myth is unknown, but it’s thought to have something to do with the caffeine that is naturally found in coffee.”.

So basically this myth “Caffeine stunts your growth” is a false myth, giving for what I’ve explained to you about these 2 articles. If you still don’t believe me search up the articles links at the top, and read more about the myth.

Foods 12 September Lab (Sunflower Crepes) Reflection

  1. Because this lab was the only one that I enjoyed eating.
  2. Yes I did because the food was very delicious, and I worked well with my group.
  3. Yes it did because at the end of the lab, the food tasted yummy.
  4. Yes because we all cooperated, did are lab duties, were nice to one another, and all helped clean up afterwards.
  5. Nothing because if I just do what I did the first time I did the lab, I will work well with my group and make the food properly.

Foods 12 Waste Plan

To me, I sometimes waste food at home, school, outside, etc. I am not proud of it, but I always try my best to eat all the food off my plate. Some areas for improvement of food wasting can be, the park, School’s, workplace buildings, etc. Some suggestion’s to reduce the number of food wasting in the society are: if you are going to waste food do it in a food wasting container, don’t waste food at all, donate leftover food to starving children, save food for a later time to eat unless it has gone bad. Be a better person and take care of food properly, because food is what helps us live.