TKAM Racism assignment



Racism, then and now

Racism is basically one race over another. Back in, let’s say the 19th century, In the US, the American Colonization Society was established as a primary vehicle for proposals to return black Americans to greater freedom and equality in Africa. But how about, instead, I’ll tell you something about a party called ‘’the Black Panther Party’’ or BPP. The BPP was a revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in October 1966. This party ran until 1982, and it’s purpose was basically patrolling African American neighbourhoods to protect residents from acts of police brutality. Police brutality is basically undue violence by police officers, this exists in many countries around the world. In the late 20th century, white people symbolized a gun as power to make the black people fear. Racism was a big thing back in time, now where we are in the present, it is still a big thing, now, people go on, what’s called ‘’Strike’’ to fight for there belief, like they would hold up signs that say what they want to stop from happening and also, screaming it out. If your wandering by now, what does racism mean? Well, racism is another word for saying ‘’Racist’’. This means, for example: A white person says to a black person, ‘’Black people are stupid’’, he/she just showed discrimination against an opposite race, and also said a very mean and hurtful thing. Racism is a big thing in our world, people fight for there race, fight for belief, and fight to protect people in their race, back in the old days, racism was the same, but worked in very different ways then right now. You should ask your self this – How and why did the ways change?


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