My Digital Footprint


Your digital footprint affects your future by setting an impression on the job interviewer who searched you up. They would do that so they could see if you’re a responsible person, or they could try find other things (for exhappy-face-smiley-face-happy-smiling-face-clip-art-at-vector-clip-5emple: if they wan to find “dirt” on you they could search you up, and decide for themselves if you’d be a valued employee, or they could check to make su
re  you weren’t friends with another “hated” employee).

3 strategies I would use to keep my digital footprint appropriate and safe would be:

  • internetKeep all my stuff as private as I possibly could, which means looking through A
    LL the privacy settings.
  • Post sa
    fe and appropria
    te stuff, such stuff you’d show your grandma.
  • Make sure the only people I let follow me are people I know, not complete strangers.

Information I 5b3d007c-559a-42d9-822a-92be1888b53dwould pass on to other students  about  my digital footprint would be “don’t let just “any” one follow you just for follows” I think this is very im
portant because strangers don’t need to know what you’re up to. As well as “to be proud of your digital imagesfootprint because it’s there forever” and it’s true. 😉





Natalia Dzwinka





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