About ME

Bienvenue and Welcome to my blog! My name is Natalia and this is my blog. Here, you can find and follow my journey through high school. A few interesting things about me are: I am in the French Immersion program; I love travelling; and I do cheer. Make sure your check out my passions where you can see the places I’ve been and see my cheer adventures. I hope you have a great day!


My Favourite Quote:

May you never overlook how powerful it can be to slow down for a moment and take a little time to breathe. 

Morgan Harper Nichols

This is one of my favourite quotes, because I find they a lot of us, including myself, are constantly moving, constantly doing something, running at full speed. We don’t often stop to look at all that we have accomplished. I believe, that sometimes, we need a little reminder of everything we’ve attained, everything we have and everything we’re working towards achieving. We need that breathe to keep us grounded.

A Video That Inspires Me:

This video impacted me a great deal. Not only did it show me seven crucial lessons to learn in life, it shared my love for exploring new places. It opened my eyes to the world outside of our computer screens and is guiding me to fulfill my dreams.

A Photo That Inspires Me:

This image inspires me, because it was the first hike I’d done in a year and it was the Chief, peek two. I proved to myself that I could do anything I set my mind to.

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