Humans in Space

Identify the three types of space probes, and describe the purpose of each. Interplanetary probes fly by celestial bodies. Orbiters are placed in orbit around a celestial body. Landers land on the surface of a celestial body.   Describe three milestones in space exploration that you think are interesting (include the date, the name of…

Expanding Universe

1. What did you do in this lab? In this lab we explored The Theory of the Expanding Universe, and how it works. We used a balloon and several dots on the balloon to show the expansion in the universe. We blew up the balloon at 3 different sizes, barely filled, half filled, and fully…

Mutation Story

Part 1: I am Deuteranopia, a type of Red-Green colour blindness, an X chromosome living in Daniel passed down by his parents. I am caused by defective or missing M-cones (medium wave lengths); these genes are located side by side on the X chromosome. Due to the adjacency between them, they can get reconfigured and…

2 Types of Charge

Over the course of our Electricity Unit, we have learned about electric charges and how they react when encountering  each other. Positive and Positive/Negative and Negative Like charges repel. Positive and Negative: Unlike charges attract. Neutral and Positive/Negative Neutral objects attract charged objects.

Potassium Iodide

Potassium Iodide (KI) How we use it: KI is a powdery substance use to protect the thyroid gland form possible radiation injury. Radiation injuries include sun damage, too much exposure to tanning beds, x-rays, and even nuclear weapons.   Physical Properties: An odourless, white, solid, powdery Boiling point- 1323 degrees Celsius Melting point- 681 degrees…

Matter Matters

Define: Having to create an engaging product that will teach people about matter. Dream: If I was able to I would want to create this on a wider scale so people all over the world would be able to learn it. A platform such as television, or the radio. Design and Deliver: Debrief: I…

Oobleck- Cornstarch and Water Lab

Describe the properties of both Chemical A and Chemical B. Chemical A (cornstarch)- powdery, white Chemical B (water)- clear, colourless, liquid   Describe the properties & behaviour of Oobleck. Oobleck- white, rubber texture, viscous   Do you think that Oobleck is a gas, liquid, or solid? Explain why. I believe oobleck is a solid and…