Math Football

Our goal was to make a football with spaghetti and marshmallows. We first thought that using the whole spaghetti will make the football unstable, so we decided to break the spaghetti in half. After that, we attached the spaghetti with the marshmallows and made hexagons to create a 3D figure. Unfortunately, the figure was not stable and became bigger than we thought. We broke the spaghetti in half again and made hexagons and triangles to create the football. We thought that if we use two different shapes, it will make the figure stronger. While we were making the football again, we realized that the figure was much stable this way. We only had 20 minutes to do this project so we weren’t able to finish it but here is a picture of the football we made.20160907_144045

By doing this project, I realized that football relates to geometry.  We saw a video titled ‘Geometry of Footballs and the Cube-shaped Ball’ and I learned that most of the football that we know is made out of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.


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