12 Responses

  1. samas2015 at |

    This is so well done, the sound effects are good same with the narration. great job!

  2. Conor Madu at |

    Ver cool, i wish mine was that good

  3. camerony2015 at |

    This is the best the coolest thing I ever seen the voice was cool and the characters were so cool!

  4. erikb2015 at |

    it was just amazing. pure amazing. it looks like a professional did it!

  5. victorias2015 at |

    Michael really food narration, props and everything. The best in the class!!!!! -Victoria

    Amazing project the amount of patience to take all those pictures is insane -Tristen

  6. haileys2015 at |

    Wow! this was a very well constructed video. i enjoyed how you compiled all of information into a couple minute video. good job.

  7. lateenk2015 at |

    That was really good and it looked like u put a lot of time and effort on it!

  8. timothyh2015 at |

    Amazing work, the best so far! I bet it took so so long.

  9. pbarrington at |

    Michael, you did an excellent job presenting the induction scene for Taming of the Shrew. I liked your use of sound effects. They were well placed in your project. Well done!

  10. Ms.Burton at |

    Wow! This was fantastic project Michael. I really enjoyed all of the extra sound effects you added in. I would love to know how long you worked on this video. Have you worked on stopmotion animation before?

  11. Ms. Becker at |

    This is awesome Michael! I loved watching it! :)Ms. Becker


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