About Me

1) What is Your Favorite Quote: Find your favorite quote, or one that is meaningful to you. Copy and paste it, or type it into your page. Explain why you chose it, and remember to record who said it!

2) What is Your Favorite YouTube Clip: Find your favorite YouTube clip, add it to your blog.  Explain why you chose it. When you graduate you can have a list of videos from your entire school career.

For more detailed information about how to embed click here.

3) Find a Picture that has Impacted You: Find a picture that you like, dislike, has inspired you or is meaningful to you for some reason. Find a picture that is powerful to you. Insert the picture into your page, and explain why you chose this picture.

For more detailed information how to insert images click here.

4) What is Your Favorite Website: Create a hyperlink to your favorite website.  Explain why you chose this site.

For more detailed information how to create a hyperlink click here.

5) The History or Your Birthday: Click on this link click here, enter your birthday…then be amazed by all the cool things that have happened in history on your day! Write about a couple of events you found out about, that took place on your birthday.

Have Fun!


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