Shape of the Week Feb 5 – Feb 8th


  • Ten Questions narrowed down to One Amazing Question (the focus of your Wonder Project) via SUPERBRAINSTORM with Ms. Henderson


  • Meet in the Library computer Lab with Ms. Henderson
  • Learn about resources available to us via Riverside Library
  • Research using Research Template provided


  • Back in Room 200 (finally!)
  • New Seats, New Peeps AND Three Truths and a Lie
  • Work on Wonder Projects


  • TBA

Tuesday Sept 12th

  1. Share Inquiry Assignments in small groups
  2. Comment on at least 2 classmate’s posts (#wonder2017)
  3. Share your blog with someone outside of class and have them comment
  4. Self-Evaluate your Inquiry Assignment – hand in self-assessment to Ms. Jackson tomorrow

Tomorrow: Lab Safety!

Monday Sept 11th

I hope you all had a restful weekend.

Today we will continue to work on our inquiry assignments. Hopefully you had a chance to research your question further over the weekend and are prepared to start working on a your blog post to communicate your findings.

We will do a mini lesson on writing blog posts and embedding images and videos. You will then be given time to work on your blog post. Please have it completed by tomorrow and be ready to share your findings with your classmates.

A detailed outline for the assignment can be found here: Scientific Inquiry Project-2mi2qze

Thursday Sept 7th

  1. More mingling activities
  2. Classroom website and Student Information Survey – please complete the survey below
  3. Ms. Jackson presentation – “Welcome to Science 9!”
  4. What Do You Wonder? introduction

Welcome to Science 9! Day 1 – Wed Sept 6th

Welcome to Science 9!

I hope you had a restful and relaxing summer vacation. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this semester. Below is an outline for our first day together:

  1. Attendance (name tags) and quick introduction
  2. “Who am I” cards activity
  3. Course Outline
  4. Three Truths and a Lie PPT slide assignment