Gender Equality

What is the article about?

This article is all about gender equality and the goals for it. In the article, it explains all about how women and girls are being treated in the world today. “Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. ” This was said in the article and I would say that this is basically the whole article summed up. There has been many conferences about helping women and girls gain the power to get their rights back.

Who does it involve? 

This articles involves feminists and women and girls.

Why did you choose this article? 

I chose this article because I wanted to learn more about feminism and what has been done so far to improve the situation. I wanted to go more in depth about how people are reacting to this and how people are solving the problem.

How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?

This article relates to the story we read because, in the story it mentions about how the boys would always get to carry the water. The girls never got the chance to carry the water because to the boys, it was their way of proving their masculinity. The story mentions about how the boys wouldn’t let any of the girls play softball after one of the girls mentions about how the girls can’t carry the water. This relates to the real world situation because it shows that the boy are “in charge” and they get to say what happens and what doesn’t. It also relates to the real world situation because during the story, the girl who spoke up gets beaten up for saying something. This also shows that girls don’t have the freedom of speech because when they say something that is on their mind, they get abused/hurt for saying it.

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