Community Connections

Youth Worker

For my community connections project, I got the chance to interview a youth worker that works at Citadel Middle. Her name is Tara Murracas.


Questions and answers:

1. Why are you passionate about your job?

Tara is passionate about her job because, being a youth worker aloud her to meet new people and learn about where they come from and how they live their life. She is also able to help kids whenever they need it. Tara was able to make many connections that she can now cherish. Tara is always learning something new everyday at her job therefore, she never gets bored.


2. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

When Tara first started working as a youth worker, she was employed at a youth center in Downtown Vancouver that worked with homeless and street entrenched kids. She was put with a very hard schedule when she first started. She had to work from midnight all the way till 9 a.m. and then after that, she had to go to class at her collage. Tara was hired by SD-43 as a casual youth worker. That meant she was on call and she wouldn’t know what days she would be able to work and what days she wouldn’t. She couldn’t get another full time job because, she needed to build up her seniority in a district so that she can eventually be put in a school.

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

Tara’s advice was to volunteer earlier. She also said to volunteer at more than one place so that you can tell which places you like and dislike. Since it is not a high paying job, Tara said this ob can be hard for you mentally. That being said, self care is important.

4. How long did it take for you to get a job as a youth worker?

In order for Tara to get a job in the school district, she had to work 7 years before!

5. What courses/programs did you have to take to become a youth worker?

Tara took the Child and Youth Care Counselling degree and the Youth Justice Diploma Program. She took them both at Douglas Collage.

6. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students? If so, how can someone contact you?

Tara said yes and you can email her!


Youth Worker: Roles and responsibilities

The role of a youth worker is to work with kids and younger adults to help them make decisions that are right for them. Youth workers also help build life skills and help develop healthy relationships for kids and young adults.

There are many responsibilities for a youth worker. For example, youth workers hold many confidential records. They are also responsible running and setting you projects/programs and maintaining the budget. Youth workers also have to work with different organizations outside of their office. Places like, school and with the police.

Youth Worker: Why did I chose this person?

I decided to chose to interview a youth worker because, I always wanted to help someone they way people help me. That being said, a youth worker helps young adults and kids make useful and healthy decisions in their life. I chose Tara because she is very thoughtful and kind towards other and has helped me through hard times. She is a amazing role model for me.

Youth Worker: What did you learn from the interview and how does that connects to your passion/interest?

I learned a lot during this interview. I learned that this job takes lots of hard work and dedication. This job can be very hard. I also learned that you will learn something new a different everyday. Being a youth worker allows you to work with younger people by helping them with their problems. This connect to my interest because, I always want to help someone whenever they need it.


Here is a small section of our conversation through e-mail:

Photos sources:

One thought on “Community Connections

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your Edublogs portfolio

    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teachers

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