Solution Fluency

What is the cleanest way to generate electricity?


Reusable energy is the cleanest way to produce electricity. It creates electricity from a sustainable source such as, wind power and solar power.


Solar power is the most studied energy since 1970s that has no impact on the environment. Solar power is also the most used power for example, using the sun to dry clothing.

Wind power has become more common over the last decade. It is normally used to power small communities that are quite close to a wind farm. It is one of the most used form of renewable energy also because people have spent so much money on it.

Hydro power is the most commonly used renewable energy. It’s very popular in China. It has lots of positive benefits as it can be used in big or small amounts and it creates zero pollution. Hydro power is water that is created into electricity.

Natural gas is also a fossil fuel but, it is seen as the cleanest source of energy that is being used. Natural gas also produces less greenhouse gases than other the other fossil fuels like coil and oil. It is also cost less and it’s more affordable. Although, it does have air emissions.

Geothermal energy is becoming more commonly used developing counties. Geothermal heat plants use heat and turn it into electricity. Geothermal power uses the heat from the beneath the earth.

Tidal power is a type of energy that uses tides to create the electricity. There are two types of tidal energy, tidal range energy and tidal stream. There are many places in the world with strong tides meaning that, people have been talking about using tidal energy since there is very strong tides there.

Nuclear energy is still under discussion and it is still mixed with weapons but, it is still one of the world cleanest and most affordable sources of energy in the world. It is also the world most popular source of energy. The upsides of nuclear energy are things such as, low emissions and low cost. Even though there are many upsides/benefits of nuclear power, it is still under discussion because of it’s issue on storing waste.

Wave energy and tidal power are very similar but nevertheless, they have their differences. Wave energy is being put/used in many different countries now. It works by capturing the motion of waves and it uses it to create electricity. It is being experiments in many different countries. So far, a Cornwall based wave farm can give energy to around 7500 houses.

Rain power is the most effective source of clean and renewable energy. Scientist say that falling raindrops can be a huge part of renewable source because of the vibrations that they create. Rain power is still under experimental but, if it does work, then it will surely overtake solar, wind and wave power.

Biomass energy is a clean and renewable energy. It works by using plant matters and turning it into energy. It is also very cheap and causes less environmental issues. Biomass is a clean energy but, it isn’t as clean as the other energy sources. Biomass energy does produce carbon dioxide. It is also one of the worlds oldest source of renewable energy.


I think we can start using these renewable energies more. We can use the sun to dry our clothing more often rather than, a dryer. We can also start spending more money on creating more solar, wind, wave, hydro, and geothermal energy. We can also try to do more research and experimenting on rain power because not only would that be really cool but, it would save the environment. Another idea is that we could have a fundraiser at Riverside so that we could afford solar panels for our electricity. Even though it is expensive, it’s better for the environment in the long run.


How it works:

Solar panels are very popular but still quite expensive. Solar panels take the sun light and converts it into electricity to power something. Using solar panels, you won’t have to use coal and oil that hurts the environment.

How will it help:

It will help because it would be much cleaner for the environment. I think that it could also give the idea to other schools as well to start using solar panels too. I think once there are many schools using solar panels, it would be better for the environment and eventually, we could use solar energy for much bigger and more things.

Things to consider:

When there are rainy/cloudy days, there will be very little sun light which is our main source of energy. As a “backup” we can also use wind and hydro power and, if by that time rain power works, then when can use that as well since we get lots of rain. Another thing to consider is that, solar panels are expensive. I think in order to solve our problem, we can run many fundraisers to reach our goal for our solar panels.


I think the process that I went through to complete this was very effective. I went through each question one by one. If I didn’t understand a question, then I would skip it and move on to something else then, go back to it later.


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