
When and who found Cerium?

Cerium was found by three people in 1803. Two Swedish chemist, Jöns Jacob Berzelius and Wilhelm von Hisinger and, a German chemist, Martin Heinrich Klaproth.

What is Cerium?

Cerium has an atomic number of 58. It is also a rare element and it is also lanthanoids. It is highly reactive, highly flammable, and has a high boiling at 3443 Celsius and it’s melting point is 795 Celsius.

File:Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate sample.jpg

How is Cerium used?

It is used in metal working, glass, enameling, nuclear applications but is more commonly found in flints for lighters.

Where was Cerium found?

Cerium is a rare earth metals. Cerium has been found in large amounts in South California, India and Brazil.



What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?

I used where, what, why, who, when and how.

What new or familiar digital tools did you use as you worked through the project?

I used creative commons to find my picture which was new to me.

What was the prosses you used to investigate the topic?

I went through who, what, when, where, why and how and I went through the questions. If I couldn’t find anything for it then I would skip it and then come back to it after.

How did you verify and cite the information you found?

I would check different websites to see if they have the same information.

How did the prosses of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

I think that the questions I made up was easy to answer but the questions that were given were harder. I think I could have gotten more photos and viewed more websites to get more information.








2 thoughts on “Cerium

  1. Great information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on your topic. You have shared some digital tools and cited your sources. Your debrief could have been more detailed but considers what you did well and what you could have improved upon.

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