Tag Archives: FOM 11 review

Jan 20

Plan for the day: Questions?!!! last day of review …. written portion of final exam on Monday – bring calculator bring math textbooks in Monday plan for next Thursday?  Class celebration? Study …… surprising suggestion eh? 🙂    

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Jan 17

Plan for the day: completion of remaining stats projects review Complete: student reflection on stats project (link on yesterday’s post) reminder, textbooks are to be handed in by MONDAY of next week     https://files.ctctcdn.com/4f8ac741101/bc4b7db7-091f-4192-8d40-a8a7e72d1059.jpg

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Jan 16th

Plan for the day: finding the vertex of a quadratic (quizlet.live) z-score review (code – 773966) graphing inequalities review (thatquiz.org) Statistics project presentations Complete:  Self reflection on project   FINAL EXAM …. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-U_36o75oxvo/UgJn7GPpBhI/AAAAAAAAO-w/qRxOjdo-VSw/s1600/Reasoning-Shortcut-Techniques.jpg

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