Category Archives: Systems of Linear Inequalities

June 12

Plan for the day: Warmup:  Meaningful Monday (pdf) (doc) Which method should I use? Lesson:  Applications of linear systems complete:  10.4,  work on Practice Provincial A REMINDER – extra tutorials this week on Tues, Weds and Thurs to prepare for … Continue reading

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Nov 4

Plan for the day: UNIT TEST  when completed – fill out student self-reflection Complete: self reflection week 8 blog post   Loading…

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Nov 3

Plan for the day: WEEK 7 blog post (last week) …. must be done or not writing test tomorrow!! chapter review extra practice do you understand all of the vocabulary for the chapter? unit test tomorrow Complete: Chapter review: Pg 347 #1-4, … Continue reading

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Nov 1

Plan for the day: – stats project topic? Due today – warm up – go to – Lesson:  intro to Optimization  (blank notes) Complete:  Pg 331 # 3,6,7,9 graph and solve

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Oct 31

Plan for the day: extra practice with graphing inequalities discuss skills check Blog post:  Three things I learned today Work time – finish checkpoint Due:  Week 7 blog post Complete: Pg 323 #4,6,7 Stats project topic due tomorrow!

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Oct 28

Plan for the day: meet in the library computer lab (bring your device along) learn how to create proper bibliographies with Ms. Henderson spend 30 minutes doing research for stats project (topic is due TUESDAY) – fill in form below … Continue reading

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Oct 27th

Plan for the day: explore systems using desmos Lesson:  systems of linear inequalities start Week 7 blog post (using LateX coding to type inequalities).  You will create 4 different inequalities (1 of >, <, , and .  Insert a picture … Continue reading

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Oct 27

Plan for the day: exploring systems using desmos Lesson:  Graphing to solve systems of linear equations start week 7 blog post (using lateX) coding)  You are to create 4 different inequalities (one of each:  >, < , , ) and … Continue reading

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Oct 26

Plan for the day: finish notes on graphing inequalities – when there is a domain / range indicated Pg 303 # 1,2, 4-7, 9-14  (if you need blank graph paper to complete work – blank-grids) Lesson: graphing systems of linear … Continue reading

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Oct 25

Plan for the day: Discuss review sheet from yesterday Intro to graphing inequalities – how are they similar? how are they different? Explore using  6-1 blank notes in class practice (see sheet below)   Complete:  Week 6 blog post … Continue reading

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