Week 9 – Math 9

Monday Oct 30th

  • Take our kids to work day –TOKTW Reflection Sheet.  Fill out after your job shadowing on Weds and post, with some photos, on your blog.  Category: Math 9  Tag:  TOKTW2017
  • warmup – exponent laws
  • Lesson:  Exponent Laws – Part 2
  • Practice:  power-rule-1  power-rule 2
  • Note:  next class will be on Thursday (as Weds is not considered day 1 or day 2)
  • Assignment:  Pg 111 #6,9,11,12

Thursday Nov 2nd

  • due:  Take our kids to work day – reflection on your edublog
    (tag:  TOKTW2017Burton)
  • rational numbers test corrections
  • exponent law sort
  • exponents skills check – take home and hand in at the start of Monday’s class
  • ** Next week we’ll be working on a blog post “What I have learned about exponent laws in grade 9”
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