Sep 8/17 – Math 10

Plan for the day:

Question:    Hotdogs come in packages of 10, while rolls come in either 8 or 12. What’s the smallest number of each you have to buy to have the same number of each?

ExploreFinding LCM and GCF

Complete:   lesson #2 (pg 11)

Blogpost: due by Sunday night
title:”Math 10 Week 1″
tag: burtonmath10
category:  math 10

By the end of the class you should be able to:

  • explain how the GCF and LCM are related
  • Use the prime factorizations to :
    • find the GCF and LCM of a set of numbers
    • determine if a number is a perfect square or perfect cube
    • determine the square root /cube root of a number
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