October 12

Biotechnology and genetics blog post

Research on Cloning 

Put Together by Mattias Clark

So to start out with the information i have gathered one thing that you should understand, is what is cloning? Cloning is when using the DNA from one animal and using it you can create an identical copy. One example of this that isn’t done by humans and happens naturally is identical twins. Identical twins are basically clones because genetically they are the same unlike with siblings where they will be changes.



When most people think of the first cloned animal many people will think of Dolly the sheep. But it was instead as stated by (https://io9.gizmodo.com/5924113/the-first-cloned-animals-were-cloned-over-a-century-ago) “Dolly was justifiably famous for being the first animal cloned from an adult somatic cell” and also stated by the same people “But Dolly Was a century late when it came to cloning. The first animal to be cloned was a Sea urchin in 1885” and to clarify a somatic cell is basically any cell other than ones produced by the Meiosis so all cells created by mitosis. The first clone which was a Sea Urchin was actually not suppose to be a clone, the scientist, Hans Dreisch was using a variant of a different experiment and he believed he was going to get two halfs of a sea urchin but instead when the cells fully grew he got two separate Sea Urchins.



So this is something that i was curious about, how far have we gone with cloning, and i’m curious about this because in the 90’s we cloned the first sheep Dolly, and there are a lot of old sort of documentary things that take place in the early 2000’s that talk about the great achievements we have made and it makes you wonder how far have we gone since then?


Since then we have gone farther and have had some interesting results Such as how we have “In a 2014 study, scientists were able to clone adult stem cells, a huge breakthrough for therapeutic cloning research. (http://www.medicaldaily.com/science-human-cloning-how-far-weve-come-and-how-far-were-capable-going-340006)” and from the information i have found from the same people that “Scientists have already cloned human embryos and many believe creating fully developed humans is the next step.” so to me it would seem that we have moved past cloning animals and are now looking to clone a human which could bare interesting results in the future.



Inglis-Arkell, Esther. “The first cloned animals were cloned over a century ago.” io9, io9.Gizmodo.com, 7 July 2012, https://io9.gizmodo.com/5924113/the-first-cloned-animals-were-cloned-over-a-century-ago


Dovey, Dana. “The Science Of Human Cloning: How Far We’ve Come And How Far We’re Capable Of Going.” Medical Daily, 26 June 2015, www.medicaldaily.com/science-human-cloning-how-far-weve-come-and-how-far-were-capable-going-340006.