Category: English 11

English 11/Poem

Love                   By: Matthew Hetrea

Love, as beautiful as it is boundless, it is what keeps us intact

It overwhelms hatred and fills the hearts of the fool

Love is a light that brings us together and fills our souls with warmth

A light that is so powerful in fact that even darkness promotes it by demonstrating its beautiful colours in the night sky


But love is fragile like glass and as frail as a butterfly

If it breaks then people are broken

If it is mistreated then people separate to person

Even a slight tamper will turn love to hatred


Love is bittersweet, it feels good to love but it is worse to have your love torn apart

That is why you must always treasure it and be careful to whom you have given it to

Love is perfect and sweet

Love is messy and imperfect


The poem written by Matthew Hetrea called “Love” is a free verse, lyric with no structured rhyme scheme or rhythm. The speaker of this poem is the author. During the poem, the author tries to explain how important love is and how amazing it is. The poet uses alliteration in the first stanza and the first line when he states, “Love, as beautiful as it is boundless…” A different example of alliteration is in the second stanza, “But love is fragile like glass and as frail as a butterfly.”

An example of imagery shown in the poem is when the author writes about how love is light in a night sky, giving you descriptive imagery of beautiful light in a dark place. The meaning of this metaphor is saying that love is so powerful, it shines everywhere, even where there’s hatred, love will be there. Other imagery is when the author states how love is fragile and frail. It is a simile and the author is just trying to say how love or bonds can also be broken easily depending on what you love. In this simile, the imagery that comes is picturing a frail butter and glass, how they can be broken easily.

An example of an oxymoron in this poem is “bittersweet”. The meaning behind this line is that love is amazing and makes everyone feel good but there is always a risk of getting your love torn or your heart broken. At the very end of the poem, there is a paradox, saying how love is perfect but imperfect, just further stating the authors point on how love is awesome but it comes with risks. The theme of this poem would be how Love is beautiful and amazing but people can’t avoid all the downsides of love and just have the good parts of it. This poem has universality because throughout the years to come love will always be love, it will never change and people will always have difficulties with their lover.



Relieving stress comfortably

What interested me about this article was when they were explaining how the scientist calculated the stress levels of the snow monkeys of Japan. What I wasn’t too dumbfounded about in this article was when the author expresses how the hot springs reduce stress, I already knew that before from life experiences, but it was nice to learn how others might experiment to find the proof to this assessment. I liked the author’s writing because it was insightful and contained descriptive words as well as facts. For example: The author explained how the scientists found out the how the monkey’s were reduced when they went in the water, “Rafaela S.C. Takeshita and her colleagues at Kyoto University collected and tested the monkeys’ feces for levels of glucocorticoids.” then shortly after stating this, the author put’s a link to the scientists article. I have lots of stress and a good way to relieve the stress I have is to sometimes go to a hot place and relieve the tension (stress). Humans will always have stress and it is beneficial for us to know how to get rid.

Thank You

How machines are learning!

The author, “Cade Metz” describes and portrays how Artificial Intelligence learns. There is a team at Google working on this subject and it is extremely interesting. Artificial intelligence works on neural networks although these networks create a problem which don’t allow scientists to fully develop the “AI”. The article mainly signifies the neural network and depicts how it works through words and pictures. This writing attracts me because it is very descriptive and insightful. I relate to this article in how I would like to be a chiropractor when I’m older. Chiropractors use machines frequently to look at bones and other things. If machines got more advanced then that would be a great advantage to the job. This article is great and portrays the advancement in human technology!

-Matthew Hetrea