Why technology is bad

Technology is bad vid -165tvdo

Technology is used to bring us forward into the future but it pulls us back as well. Technology provides many good things but the toxicity it produces outweighs the good and one of the examples that prove technology is deficient is addiction. Addiction to technology is more than just being on your phone constantly. Addiction has more to do with how a device affects your day to day life. Whether that be if you’re on your phone on Instagram all day which pulls your attention away from school or even playing video games instead of doing homework. A study showed how often people would view their social media by simply asking them, “when was the last time you looked at social media”. 34% said they checked it in the last 10 mins, 26% of people said they checked it in the last hour or less. They also speculated that the 34% of people that checked in the last 10 mins were mostly comprised of teens. Obviously anyone can be caught up in social media and start to get addicted but it is more of a trend now for teens to have Instagram or even snapchat and everyone knows that. Addiction is harmful because it pulls your attention from what is happening around you to focus on your screens more. Addiction sucks us up into our phones and away from reality. We need to solve this addiction problem that so many people have. What must be done is limiting ourselves with the amount of technology we use because in only the near future, addiction problems will get worse and worse, if we don’t solve them now. If we don’t acknowledge that being on your phone for countless hours a day is a problem then it will never be solved. So let’s stand up against technology and monitor ourselves for how we use technology because it is the problem, and we will solve it.

Sources: Ofcom.org.uk, Wikipedia.

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