How Much Technology Is Enough?

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

This article is about the repercussions of technology in millennials lives because of the excessive use of technology. I was interested in this article because I believe that my generation spends too much time on technology. By spending an unreasonable amount of time on technology we have missed matchless experiences and opportunities. Today, people are glued to their phones and often avoid face-to-face interactions. The author compared and contrasted different generations insightfully by using data from previous generations. I enjoyed reading about the authors personal opinion about iGen and her childhood, “Unlike the teens of my generation, who might have spent an evening tying up the family landline with gossip”. The article reveals millennials dependence on technology which can be seen universally. For example, when you feel your phone vibrating, you have an irresistible urge to check the notification you received. Although technology has brought the world innovation and ease, it has also taken away many aspects of life.