Astronomy Wonder Project


digital literacy questions:

  • What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?
  • what is a light year?
  • how are light years measured?
  • how many light years away are the moon, mars and the sun?
  • has anything been attempted before to see the earth from far distances in the past?
  • do wee see everything in our every day lives in the past?
  • how long is a light year compared to miles and kilometres?
  • how long does it take for a space ship to travel one light year?
  • how powerful are our best telescopes?
  • how many light years into space is a telescope able to see?
  • are we actually seeing everything in space in the past?
  • are any new space telescopes laughing in the future that will change distances we are able to see into space?


  • What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used Science in Context from the schools library. I also used Youtube which was really helpful when trying to understand these topics.  I found some information on google and different websites cited in my Sway project.

  • What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

I looked through many websites to ensure I was finding accurate information. I also watched youtube videos after that so that I would be able to get a visual on my topic. I then wrote out my information so I could see what I understand and see what I don’t and what the questions I still needed to answer were. Then I repeated the process.

  • How did you verify and cite the information you found?

I made sure the information was correct by looking at different websites and comparing but then also using different search methods such as google, youtube, and the school context library.

  • How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

I think I could have dug into the topic farther and researched more about if something like this is already being done, weather that be into space or at earth (looking back into time with telescopes and lightyears). I also think I could have tried to thin about the obstacles int are future that would hold us back from this and maybe some solutions to get around them.

My Graduation Plan

  • Healthy Living
    • This year, I am going to continue to play competitive soccer and do P.E. 10 to meet DPA requirements (150 mins/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity).
    • Next year, I will continue to play competitive soccer and do P.E. 11 to meet DPA requirements.
    • Other than physical activity, I will also need a concrete plan for healthy eating and stress management in order to lead a healthy life after graduation.

Course Credits

  • I need __80__ credits to graduate. A typical course is worth __4__
  • __48__ of them must be from required courses.
  • __28__ of them must be from electives.
  • __16__ of them must be from Grade 12 courses.
  • At the end of this year, I will have __32__ credits


  • Community Connections
    1. I need __30__ hours of work/volunteer experience. To show I completed this, I must show proof in the form of __documentation (pay stub)___ or __reference letters__.
    2. I can start accumulating these hours in Grade 10
    3. My plan to earn work/volunteer hours is through a summer job and volunteering in the community
    4. I will also need to complete a reflection that includes employability skills, what I did, and how I benifitted from it. It will be __200__ typed words minimum.
  • Career and Life
    1. In addition to updating my resume, I will also create post-secondary plans using the career life and financial template to show that I have a plan in place after graduation.
    2. When I graduate, my current plan is to go to university to study to become a doctor.
  1. Interview
    1. To prepare for the interview, I can look at the questions ahead of time. They are found on the GT website.
    2. My interview will be with a __­­­_riverside teacher (rap teacher)___.
  2. The 3 people at Riverside who are here to help with this process are:
    1. Mr Ahmelich
    2. Counsellors
    3. Ms David

In Grade 12, I will find all the necessary documents AND submit them before the end of grade 12 (English 12 course)

I will complete Grad Transitions 12 whenever I have English 12. If I have it in 1st semester, I must complete everything except the interview before the sale of winter ball tickets In 2nd semester, everything except the interview must be completed before the end of april.