Week 2 Math 10

This whole week was filled with completely new concepts that I have never been introduced to before, even though there were things I learnt last year woven into it, the main ideas were new

to me. The coolest thing I learned this week was hard to choose because there was so many. Finally I came the conclusion that prime factorization was the biggest thing I learned. Prime factorization is one of the key parts to this chapter, used in almost all questions so far. The idea that you can break down a number by using prime factorization but it still means the same thing was the main thing that was cool to me.


Here is my example:

the prime factorization of 1,260…

1,260 is the same as 2∗2∗3∗3∗5∗7

therefor, 2∗2∗3∗3∗5∗7 can be a representation of 1,260

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