Socials 10 Core Competency

For my growth throughout the unit, the Movie Pitch assignment helped me communicate my thoughts into words. It also helped me with creatively thinking about history. It also helped me think more about what we were learning, which was WW2 at the time. A project we did in SS 10 that helped me with my personal abilities was the PowerPoint we did about Dieppe’s battle in WW1; for the project, we had to make a PowerPoint with two other partners. It helped me communicate with my partners about what I knew about the war and how to make the PowerPoint.

Rube Goldberg Machine

The Three Types of Energy:

  • Electrical Energy
  • Motion Energy
  • Gravitational Energy

The Three Forms of Energy:

  • Electrical Potential Energy 
  • Kinetic Energy
  • Gravitational Potential Energy
  • Mechanical Energy
  • Potential Energy

Three Simple Machines:

  • lever
  • inclined plane
  • screws (used to build the machine)

Steps to use The Light Switcher:

  1. first plug in the fan
  2. than hold up The Light Switcher to light switch
  3. put the ball on top of the ramp
  4. let go of the ball

Self Reflection

Suppose I would give myself a mark out of 100. I would give myself 75-80 because the fan couldn’t push the lever to hit the ball down the ramp. At the time of filming, I didn’t have time to replace the fan with something else. I decided to tie a piece of dental floss around the lever to pull while the fan was on. I did check all of the lists and the machine does do what it is supposed to do, which is to turn on/off the light switch.

What are Biofuels

Biofuels are an alternative to fossil fuels, petroleum, coal, and natural gas. They are also the primary source of power today. Biofuels are created from recently dead or living plant material and animal waste. As biofuels emit less carbon dioxide (CO2) than conventional fuels, they can be blended with existing fuels as an effective way of reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. 

It differs from fossil fuels, which are derived from long-dead plant and animal matter. Biofuels take up 3% of road transport fuels in use worldwide, and it is also taking up over 10% of the total world energy demand. The different types of biofuels are the most common ones made with crops and are called conventional biofuels. There is also a newer version called second-generation biofuels with waste and garbage. These more advanced biofuels are likely to become the primary form of biofuels in the future as they can improve their sustainability. One of their achievements in recent years is using conventional biofuel technologies; this land use would allow 5% of transport fuel demand to be met. If second-generation biofuel technologies were available, this could rise by 10%. Biofuels of today’s success has mainly happened without plant biotechnology, but the next-generation biofuels will change biotechnology’s future.  The next generation is made of Older versions of biofuels with oils that have affected climate change as in greenhouse gasses and have a purled environment. It will also affect biotechnology’s future by making the government and STDC sign an agreement to manage the $500M NextGen Biofuels Fund. I will facilitate the establishment of first-of-kind, large scale demonstration facilities to produce next-generation biofuels and co-products in Canada. Improve the sustainable development impacts arising from the production and use of biofuels in Canada. Encourage retention and growth of technology expertise and innovation capacity for the production of next-generation biofuels in Canada. 




Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes

Some background information about the paper airplanes, a good way to throw is about a 45 degree angle up. Another fact about paper airplanes is the farthest a paper airplane has ever went is 226 feet, 10 inches.When you throw the plane forward, that movement is called thrust. My hypothesis for our paper airplanes was that the long distance paper glides would go the furthest because of it’s long glides that will help it stay in the air. The materials we used for the paper were 3 pieces of white 8 x 11 papers. The three planes we used for this investigation was the hammer, the original paper plane and long distance paper glides. When we went to throw the three paper airplane. The hammer flew for 6.35 m. The original model for the paper airplane flew 7.32 m. long glides paper airplane flew for 7.06 m.                                                                                                        

                                                         (hammer=6.66m) (original=7.45m) (long distance=7.19m)