PoCo Archives

Inquiry Question: How did the prices between 1920 to 1945 changed in regard to the ones that we nowadays have?









These pictures were taken from a Canadian newspaper from 1945.  Regarding to my inquiry quietion, as we can see, the prices are a little lower from the ones that we nowadays have. We can observe that products like bleach before cost 49 cents and now, it  would cost aproximatly 5 dollars. We can also see that the price of mermelade, in 1945 was around 49 cents, but nowadays, it will cost also around 5 dollars. The same thing with the price of the coat or the “Quality Nylons” in the last image. I belive that to continue answearing this question, I should investigate more about that period by reading more newspapers of the time, reading books about what happened in Canada while therer was war or ask other people that lived during 1920 and 1945.


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