English 11 – Year End Review

This year in English 11 I learned that many pieces of literature can be an allusion. This is very useful to know because it provides context towards the piece, and can help you find more literary devices inside the piece or writing. The allusions also provide a better understanding of the literature, and also help you when writing about the piece. Many pieces of allusion in a writing can be very good in your own pieces of writing. My favorite piece of literature from English 11 was “O Captain! My Captain!”. This is because the poem had a way larger meaning then what I though it had at first. It has a very large reference to the history of the Civil War, and Abe Lincoln. I enhoy history so this poem was fun to analyze and look at. The unit I enjoyed the most was the short story unit. This is because I learned the most about writing in this unit and felt that I improved the most during this unit. I could further improve my writing form with word choice and sentence structure. English 11 was a very good class and I enjoyed it throughly.

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