Topography of reigons

Cordillera reigon- the topography of this reigon is very mountainous with many valleys and rivers.



Rivers and mountains.


Interior plains- the topography of this reigon is very flat with lots or rolling hills.

Edmonton, alberta


Very flat land.


St Lawrence lowlands- the topography of this reigon is very flat and has rivers.

Quebec city, Quebec


Rivers and very flat.


Appalachians- this reigon has small mountains and hills. There is some rivers through this area.

Wood stock, new brunswick

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Mountains, rivers, and rolling hills.


Canadian shield-the topography of this reigon has mountains and lots of hills. Also there is lots of lakes.

Niagara falls, ontario


Large lakes.


The arctic- this reigon is very rugged with small mountains. There is lots of glaciers in this area.

Whale cove, nunavut


Rugged area, glaciers, and small mountains.


Josh and Rachael.


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